Tuesday, February 17, 2009

UMF® vs MGO™

For years UMF® has been used as the measurement for Manuka Honey. The problem is most people have never understood it and therefore not believed in it. UMF® does "not" identify the compound in the honey responsible for the special anti-bacterial activity of Manuka Honey and no-one knew what it was until very recently when Dr. Thomas Henle at the University of Dresden, Germany discovered it was Methylglyoxal (MGO™).

This has created a wonderful opportunity to convince consumers of the special properties because they relate very quickly to the concept of a compound being responsible for the RELIABLE antibacterial activity. Also the measurement of the content can be shown e.g. 100+ means there is at least 100mg of Methylglyoxal for every kg of honey.

The New Zealand based company Manuka Health has trademarked MGO™ Manuka Honey worldwide which now shows on its products this information.

The MGO™ Certification Guarantees the Consumer they are Getting the Highest Quality Manuka Honey Available.

Manuka Honey MGO™ 100+ is the minimum Methylglyoxal (MGO™) content required to help kill many of the major bacterias. This is equivalent to UMF®10.

Another major reason why introducing MGO™ Manuka Honey is necessary is because there are plenty of fake Manuka brands out there. These brands piggy-back on the reputation of Manuka Honey and the fact consumers cannot distinguish between the sub-brands they see: UMF®, Active, Bio-active, OMHA etc.

Consumers look at the label see “Manuka” and a number and then the price. The reality is the amount of Methylglyoxal in these honeys is probably around 10 to 25 mg/kgs way below an effective level. However they are priced 50 to 75% of their equivalent UMF® product e.g. Active 10 is 50% price of UMF® 10.

The Active product is growing very quickly but consumers are being misled if they want a health product. By introducing a clear standard with Methylglyoxal content consumers can demand to see the amount in the honey and distinguish between health and table honeys.

To learn more about Manuka Health's Manuka Honey product lines available in the U.S. please visit http://www.manukahoneyus.com/